

Discharging Service

Discharging service is offered from the berthing quay at the Magazine Wharf. Having a length of 160m ad a Draught of 12m. Shorebased discharging equipment includes 1 mobile mechanical ship unloader HL-SKT type with a maximum bulk unloading capacity of 1,100 metric tons / hour.  For this equipment a maximum distance from water level to vessel’s top hatch coaming – 19m Maximum vessel size: 80,000 Mt DWT (provided that vessel characteristics fall within details above).

Loading Facility

Loading service is offered from the berthing quay at the Laboratory Wharf. Having a lenght of 120m  and a Draught of 10.6m (35 feet). Shorebased loading equipment includes 1 mechanical railmounted (Buhler-Miag) with a peak capacity of 1,250 metric tons / hour. Whereby the highest working position is 10.5 m above sea level with a Maximum reach of loading pipe of 14m. The Load Maximum vessels (up to 20,000 Mt DWT if vessel’s characteristics fall within details size specified above)

Loading rate per WWD depends on various factors, mainly the type and construction of the vessel but also, operating hours, type of product, discharging/loading sequence requested by the vessel etc.

KGT’s equipment is rated at a maximum of approximately 1,200 Mt/hr for loading  Through experience, if the right conditions are provided, considering time lost for shifting between holds and the reduced loading rate at the top of the hold, KGT generally estimates an average rate of 800 Mt/hr.  For small vessels the rate is usually reduced.

It is important that the vessels will be regular singledeck and selftrimming, suitable for the transport of grains in bulk without stowage bags.  No cargo is to be stowed in wingtanks.  Trimming is not performed at KGT.

Direct Ship-to-Ship Transfer Facilities

Direct ship-to-ship transfer facilities are also available and cargo may be discharged from bulk carriers and loaded direct to outgoing coasters and feeder vessels without intake into the silos

A mechanical ship unloading a capacity of 1,100 t/h equipped with an intake scale installed

Recycling Facilities

Facilities are available for the recycling of grains stored inside the silo bins.

A ship berthed at the Kordin Grain Terminal

Fumigation Facilities

Fumigation pellet dispensers are installed at the distribute conveyors for insect prevention.

A photo of a ship unloading


Bulk Unloading and Loading

A mechanical ship unloader Type HL-SKT with an unloading capacity of 1,100 t/h equipped with an intake scale is installed.  The peak transfer loading capacity is 1,250 t/h to handle peak overload capacity.  The unloader delivers the product to the quay conveyor B1.  Belt conveyor B1 delivers the product to the transfer point with the possibility of selecting the silo route (via B3) or the second conveyor serving the ship loader (B2) for direct ship to ship transfer.  One belt conveyor (B3) delivers the product to the bucket elevators(elevators E2 and E3) at a capacity of 1,250 t/h.

One belt conveyor (B12) delivers the product at a capacity of 1,250 t/h from the ship loading scales to belt conveyor B2.  From B2 product is delivered to the loader. Two distribute belt conveyors (B5 and B6), each with a capacity of 625 t/h, deliver the grain to the storage bins.  Both conveyors are equipped with a self propelled travelling tripper and a built-in flap box.

An image of a ship unloading

Each tripper is equipped with an aspiration filter delivering the dust directly back into the product stream. Three reclaim belt conveyors (B7, B8, B9) each with a capacity of 625 t/h and equipped with a travelling feeder with dosing slide to deliver the material back to the three bucket elevators (E1, E2, E3).

Weighing and Truck Loading Stations

KGT has a truck loading facility for local clients.  This facility includes four separate bins (e, f, g and h) which means that the Company can load four different products simultaneously.  This means that the Company can offer vessel discharging and local loading of different products at the same time.

Weighing is performed by means of a weighbridge. A truck loading station, able to load one product at a time, is located on the quay.  A 250kg hopper scale fed from bin C weighs the grain prior to loading each truck. Two 4 tonne bulk loading hopper scales for ship loading are installed.  Each scale operates with a capacity of 625 t/h.

A KGT truck

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